Monroe Ave NE Storm System Improvement

Contact Information
Kevin Evans, P.E.
Surface Water Engineer
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

The Monroe Ave NE Storm Improvement project will construct stormwater quality treatment and infiltration facilities at 301 Monroe Ave NE to serve a 245-acre sub basin located in the Renton Highlands and President Park neighborhoods to replace a deficient and low-capacity infiltration pipe along NE 2nd Street.

Partial funding of this project is provided by the Washington State Department of Ecology’s (Ecology) Stormwater Grant Program in the amount of $12,747,925.00. Additional funding is provided by the King County Flood Control District in the amount of $479,072. Remaining funds required for project design and construction are provided by the Surface Water Utility’s capital improvement program.

Contract Award Information


The Surface Water Utility contracted with Otak, Inc. for the delivery of the survey, geotechnical, permitting support, stakeholder engagement, civil engineering design, and construction engineering support services required for this project, through final design. The total contract amount is $1,931,554.30.


The Surface Water Utility solicited bids from contractors in accordance with City policy 252-02.

At its regular meeting on November 13, 2023, the Renton City Council awarded the construction contract, in the amount of $13,225,647, to KLB Construction.

Project Description

The target 245-acre subbasin located in the Renton Highlands and President Park neighborhoods does not have an adequate connection to a downstream conveyance system or waterbody. Due to this deficiency and the resulting flooding on Monroe Ave NE, the City entered into an agreement with Segale Properties, LLC for a temporary easement that allowed the City to construct and maintain overflow pipes that discharge to their property at 301 Monroe Ave NE. However, the term of that temporary easement is now ending, signifying the loss of a critical overflow path that has played an essential role in preventing flooding on Monroe Ave NE.

Therefore, it is critical for the City to design and construct a permanent system to replace the loss of the existing overflow pipes. As a permanent solution, the Monroe Ave NE Storm Improvement project proposes to design and construct 2.2 acres of infiltration chambers preceded by an enhanced stormwater quality treatment facility. These facilities will be located on the private property at 301 Monroe Ave NE and will be maintained under a permanent utility easement from the property owner.

Project Updates

October 2019: City Council awarded the professional services contract to Otak, Inc.
November 2023: 
City Council awarded the construction contract to KLB Construction.
December 2023: Start of construction
November 2024: Anticipated end of construction

Project Maps

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