Tree Inventory

Tree inventory interactive map

A working tree inventory is based upon past tree inventories conducted in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Since 2014, the inventory has been updated daily as city staff encounter and perform tree inspections. The inventory is updated using a tablet by an inspector in the field who has the ability to view and edit the data contained in the inventory. Tree removals are cataloged in the inventory as are potential planting spaces where no trees exist and where tree pruning might be indicated.

The tree inventory layers provide additional information such as property and street right of way lines, addresses and parcel numbers, current owners of the property, size of parcels, critical areas and much more that assist in determining tree management needs.

 Activate the Parks and Recreation layer and zoom in until tree symbols appear. For better viewing, it can be helpful to deactivate other layers except the tree layer. Click on a tree symbol to identify a tree species. Click on the tree name for further details about a particular tree.

If you do not see a tree in front of your property that might be a street tree, please contact the Urban Forestry Program. If there is an issue with trees, please complete the top portion of the Tree Request Form.

Tree Inventory Reports

Tree inventories in Renton are conducted during periods as the city expanded its municipal boundaries. These inventories included street trees, park trees, and trees in natural areas of the period indicated. Each report contains an Executive Summary which summarizes the findings of the report.

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