Planning an Event

Contact Information
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

Thank you for choosing the City of Renton as you begin your event planning process. Events help build a sense of belonging and create memories and traditions for a connected, vibrant community and economic vitality. Our goal is to encourage and support a safe environment for individuals to come together and share a common experience.

Temporary Event Permits are Temporarily Suspended

The Temporary Event Permit portal is currently closed.  The portal and permit process are currently under revision in order to create an improved, user-friendly and equitable experience for our users.  We will reopen the portal for event planning opportunities January 1, 2025. 

If you are interested in reserving a picnic shelter or other indoor/outdoor venue or ballfield, please visit our Rentals and Reservations webpage for availability.  Please note, our indoor/outdoor venues do have maximum capacity limits and not all event requests may be accommodated.


Questions? Please email [email protected]

City of Renton Park Rules and Regulations 

*For fun run and/or walk events on the Cedar River Trail, please view City of Renton Cedar River Trail Usage Guidelines.*

When temporary event permitting resumes, to start the Temporary Event Permit process, you will need to do the following:

  1. First time users will need to create an account. For account creation instructions click here.

  2. For users with an account, click here to login and submit a Temporary Event Permit application through the City of Renton’s Civic Access Self-Service Portal.
Please submit applications at least 90 days prior to event date.  If you are submitting your event application less than 90 days prior to the event date, you may request consideration for a waiver to this timeline.   


When might I need a Temporary Event Permit?

If your event is a pre-planned activity that involves the use of, or has impact on, public property, facilities and/or needs the provisions of City public safety services then yes.

Examples of events include but are not limited to parades, demonstrations, concerts, run/walk events, celebrations, commercial or non-profit/fundraising forms of entertainment, amusement, and cultural recognition.

If your event is on private property, but may still impact public safety services, you may be required to obtain a Temporary Event permit. If you can answer yes to any of the following, a special event permit will likely be needed.

Why do I need a Temporary Event Permit?

  • assure that an activity meets legal requirements of the use of public land and right of ways.
  • assure the City, that adequate services such as traffic control, sanitation, and public safety issues are addressed.
  • identify any conflicts with other events that may be scheduled or activities that may unreasonably infringe upon access to services and allow the City and promoter a timely opportunity to address them.

Can I hold an event without a permit?

A Temporary Event Permit is required for public or private event activity on public or private property that has impact to surrounding neighborhood or requires substantial public services, including:

1. Any event planned to be held in a park or other public place that meets the following criteria:

- The activity is reasonably expected to cause or result in more than fifty people gathering in a park or other public place: and

- Reasonably expected to have a substantial impact on the park or other public place; and

- Requires the provision of substantial public services; and

- The event will require the temporary closure or exclusive use of a public place or waterway, OR

2. Any event planned to be held on private property that meets the following criteria:

- Is reasonably expected to cause or result in more than five hundred (500) people gathering; and

- Is reasonably expected to have a substantial impact on public or neighbors; and

- Is reasonably expected to require the provision of substantial public services, OR

3. Any other planned event in a park, other public place, or private property if the event organizer requests the City to provide any public services in addition to those that would normally be provided by the City in the absence of the event.

How do I cancel my Temporary Event Permit application?

All permit and event cancellations are required in writing from the event originator, referencing the event date and event name and must be received 30 days prior to your event date.

Event Insurance Guidelines

You will be required to provide either a commercial general liability or special events liability insurance certificate with minimum liability limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; two million dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate.

  • In the certificate it shall name the City of Renton as a certificate holder and the city as additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis.

  • The certificate shall reference the dates and name of the event being covered by the liability insurance.

  • Coverage shall be written for a period not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the event and extending for a period not less than twenty-four (24) hours following the completion of the event.

  • Additional insurance may be required following a review of the event application by our Human Resources and Risk Management Division.
  • The city does not represent that the minimum required insurance coverage or limits are adequate to protect the vendor/contractor/consultant from all liabilities.
  • If the event applicant or organizer is unable to obtain liability insurance coverage, they may be able to purchase GatherGuard event insurance from Intact: Special Events Insurance. For more information, please reach out to Risk Management at [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need a Temporary Event Permit?

If your event is a pre-planned activity that involves the use of, or has impact on, public property, facilities and/or needs the provisions of City public safety services then yes. Examples of temporary events include but are not limited to parades, demonstrations, concerts, run/walk events, celebrations, commercial or non-profit/fundraising forms of entertainment, amusement, and cultural recognition. If your event is on private property, but may still impact public safety services, you may be required to obtain a temporary events permit. If you can answer yes to any of the following, a temporary event permit will likely be needed.

  • Does this event involve a moving route of any kind along streets, sidewalks or highways?
  • Does your event require the blocking of streets?
  • Will sound amplification be used?
  • Is your event a sports tournament?
  • Does your event affect normal flow of traffic?
  • Does your event take place on City sidewalks, parks, trails, public beach, or plaza?
If your event includes any of the following, you will need to also complete a Renton Regional Fire Authority Special Events Permit and/or Structure Tent/Membrane Permit. The Fire Department will contact you for follow-up during the permit application process. If you have questions, please contact the Renton Regional Fire Authority Fire Marshal at (425) 276-9581.
  • Does this event include the use of a tent (over 400 sq. ft.), cooking, liquid or gas fueled vehicles in assembly building, or fireworks?
  • Does your event include the request for a bonfire, the use of candles in an assembly area or other small open flames?
  • Will your event include any of the following: beer garden, carnival, fair, exhibits, tradeshows, haunted house, or a large gathering over 300 people?
    • Will there be any inflatable devices or hot air balloons?
    • Will any fireworks, rockets or other pyrotechnics be used?

Q: How long is the process for obtaining a Temporary Event Permit?

Applicants are advised to submit their application no less than 90 days prior to event. Once an application is submitted it will be routed to the Temporary Event Permit Committee, consisting of representatives from multiple City Departments (Police, Streets, Recreation, Parks & Trails, Facilities, Transportation, Community Economic Development, HR/RM, Tax & License, Renton Airport, Regional Fire Authority) for comments and feedback. This feedback may identify additional requirements that have to be satisfied before the permit is approved. It is recommended that you plan early to ensure a smooth application process and expect that costs may be more than originally anticipated.

Q: Why do I need to apply for a Temporary Event Permit?

A permit is needed to:

  • assure that an activity meets legal requirements of the use of public land and right of ways.
  • assure the City, that adequate services such as traffic control, sanitation, and public safety issues are addressed.
  • identify any conflicts with other events that may be scheduled or activities that may unreasonably infringe upon access to services.
Q: How can I receive a Temporary Event Permit?

If you would like a pre-application consultation, email [email protected]

To start the Temporary Event Permit process, you will need to do the following -

  1. First time users will need to create an account. For account creation instructions click here.
  2. For users with an account, click here to login and submit a Temporary Event Permit application through the City of Renton’s Civic Access Self-Service Portal.
A non-refundable application fee of $85.00 will be assessed as part of the process. Payment process of application fee will be determined.The application is to be submitted a minimum of 90 days prior to event, to ensure adequate time is available for the City's Temporary Event Committee to review.
  • You may be asked to meet with the Committee, if this is a first time event, or if there are questions following their review.
  • Your timely application also provides you an opportunity to address or correct any issues that may be needed.
  • Following the Committee review you may be required to obtain additional permits. 
Q: Can I promote my event before I get a permit?

Please do not publicize your event if you only submitted a Temporary Event Permit Application. Submitting an application does not guarantee approval of your event. The permit application(s), right-of-way plans, and insurance must be approved through the Temporary Event Permit Committee.

Q: How much will the Temporary Event Permits cost overall?

This depends on the type of temporary event. All temporary events will require a $85.00 nonrefundable application fee, and possible costs incurred by the City of Renton in providing services to support the event. Normally this includes services such as police and emergency services, traffic control, sanitation, and clean-up services. Depending on the size or special conditions of your event, other permits and fees may also be required. City of Renton facility rentals fees will also need to be paid prior to issuing the final permit.

Q: When are fees due?

All fees are to be paid prior to issuance of the permit unless otherwise provided in the conditions of approval.

Q: Do I need insurance?

Yes. Please review the Event Insurance Guidelines menu option for details.

Q: What conditions may be required as part of your permit?

The scope of your temporary event may necessitate additional requirements to be completed by your group prior to permit approval, examples include: Notification to the businesses or residents that may be affected or notice of permit conditions to event participants may be needed.
  • Depending on the scope of the event, a traffic control plan, additional sanitation facilities, or separate garbage and recycling containers may also be needed.
  • The Temporary Event Committee will provide you with a list of any conditions your event will need to meet.
  • The applicant has sole responsibility for obtaining any additional permits and complying with the City's Special Events Ordinance and conditions of the Temporary Event Permit.
Q: Why might a permit not be approved?

Some of the reasons a temporary event application may not be approved include: the applicant provides false or misleading information, fails to fully complete the application, or cannot supply the required information or documents; the applicant is unable to comply with requested terms and conditions; the event conflicts with another previously scheduled event or condition; there would be unreasonable disruption to the orderly or safe circulation of traffic or would present unreasonable risk of injury or damage.

Q: What if I want to appeal the decision?

You may appeal the denial of a permit or any permit condition, by filing a written notice of appeal, accompanied by a $250 fee to the City Clerk within fourteen days of the decision. Appeals must specify the grounds for the appeal and attach any relevant documents in support.


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