Current Emergency Information

In an emergency, Renton Emergency Management will attempt to post updates on Twitter, Facebook, and Nextdoor. Along with the City of Renton's Twitter and Facebook accounts, the Renton Police Department, and the Renton Regional Fire Authority Twitter accounts for additional emergency information.

Current Situation 

There is no current situation. This page will be updated as information becomes available. For life threatening emergencies, call 9-1-1 right away. If 9-1-1 is not working, call the non-emergency number at 425-235-2121 and provide your location information.

Emergency Instructions

  • Drive safely, please, and watch your step! Accidents of all kinds are more likely to happen in this kind of weather. Check on others who might need help.
  • If your power is out, dress in layers and stay dry to stay warm. For food safety, avoid opening your refrigerator door unless absolutely necessary. Additional information on getting through a power outage is available from Puget Sound Energy and Seattle City Light.
  • For life threatening emergencies call 9-1-1 right away. If 9-1-1 is not working, call the non-emergency number at 425-235-2121 and provide your location information.

To get the most current emergency instructions for your area, sign up for ALERT Renton.



For water emergencies, contact the Public Works Water Division at 425-430-7400 or


For wastewater emergencies, contact Public Works Wastewater Division at 425-430-7400 or

Electricity, Gas, and Power 

Electricity, gas, and power services are provided by Puget Sound Energy for most of the City, with some residents served by Seattle City Light.

If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, evacuate the area and call 9-1-1 from a cell phone right away.

Garbage and Debris Removal 

Service interruptions to regular garbage service due to weather conditions or other disruptions are posted by Republic Services. For questions, please reach out to Republic Services at 206-777-6440.


  • To report roads blocked by fallen trees or abandoned cars, call the Renton Police non-emergency number at 425-235-2121.
  •  Planned road closures are posted on the Impact Traffic Report page.
  • See Renton snow routes for plowing and sanding information. Plowing is complete on primary and secondary arterials, first before addressing neighborhoods. Some roads cannot be plowed because cars are in the way.
  • For additional information on winter preparations and processes performed by the city's Streets Maintenance Division, visit our winter prep webpage.


The City of Renton is extending the activation of their Overnight Emergency Cold Weather Shelter through Friday night February 14. The overnight shelter is located at St. Anthony’s Parish Rec Hall, 501 S. 4th St., Renton, WA 98057 and will be open 8 p.m. – 7 a.m. each night February 3-14, 2025.  The nonprofit agency, REACH Renton, operates the shelter. 

 Shelter information is as follows:

  • Maximum Capacity of 40
  • Drop-ins welcome
  • Separate areas for men, women, and families
  • Snacks/food/warm beverage provided
  • Mats and blankets provided
  • Shelter is operated by REACH staff

Please check the King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA) website for other shelters/resources available: Severe Weather Response - KCRHA

Severe Weather Shelters are activated when one or more of these conditions is present:

  • Daily high temperature is forecast to be 35°F or below and daily low temperature is forecast to be 30°F or below for one or more days.
  • Snow accumulation expected to exceed four (4) inches in depth.
  • Other conditions deemed severe enough to present substantial threat to the life or health of homeless persons
  • At least one other shelter in South King County has been activated.

Overnight shelters are not operated during extreme heat / the warmer weather months.

For questions about severe weather shelter activation for our unhoused population, please contact our Human Services Division.

For other Severe Weather Shelters in King County, visit King County Regional Homeless Authority (KCRHA). In addition, visit Center of Hope for emergency shelter information.


Bus services

Disruptions to regular bus and transportation services are posted by King County Metro.

Human Services

Some Renton residents may find their basic needs unmet as a result of an emergency. If temporary help is available, information will be posted here.

For additional resources and information visit the Human Services page.

Recreation programming

In the case of inclement weather (i.e. snow, flooding, heavy winds), the City of Renton recreation facilities and programming follow the guidelines established by the Renton School District (i.e. if school is two hours late, morning programs and activities are canceled).

Please call the city’s inclement weather line at 425-430-6719 for updated building and program information.