Boards / Committees / Commissions

Airport Advisory Committee

Members serve in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and Renton City Council on matters referred to the committee by the city council. Their primary function is to provide a forum for members of the community to discuss their concerns directly with airport operators and for collaborative problem solving and resolution of their issues.

Full list of members and vacancies

3 years

By ordinance, membership shall consist of aviation and non-aviation representatives.

The second Tuesday of February, May, September and November, at 5 p.m. at Renton City Hall, 7th Floor Conferencing Center 726. See calendar for meeting details.

Meeting Minutes
Airport Advisory Committee Approved Minutes

RAAC Establishment

Renton Municipal Airport Administrative Office, Public Works Department 

Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission organizes and enforces provisions established in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) relating to rules, regulations, and personnel operations within the municipal police department.

Full list of members and vacancies

6 years

A citizen or a lawful permanent resident of the United States, and a resident of the city for at least one (1) year, immediately preceding such appointment.

The fourth Tuesday of the month at 4:15 p.m. See calendar for meeting details.

Meeting Minutes
Civil Service Commission Approved Minutes

Karen Ritter
Civil Service Examiner/Secretary, Human Resources & Risk Management Department


Community Plan Advisory Board - Benson Hill

The Benson Hill Community Plan Advisory Board is responsible for helping to ensure the Benson Hill Community Plan is advanced. The plan has five goals:

  1. Create a community focus in the heart of Benson Hill.
  2. Build on the existing trail system to create a functional and beautiful pedestrian and bicycle route network.
  3. Improve access to and quality of parks, recreation, and natural areas in Benson Hill, especially for youth.
  4. Improve the sense of safety in Benson Hill.
  5. Support a strong and vibrant Benson Hill community.

In order to develop the plan the city held public events providing an opportunity for residents to express concerns, identify issues, and share ideas for making the Benson Hill a better place.

The Plan, adopted in October of 2013, lays out the goals and objectives as identified by residents, business owners/operators, and other stakeholders for improving the Benson Hill over the next 20 years.

Full list of members and vacancies

Scheduled as needed.

Meeting Minutes
Community Plan Advisory Board - Benson Hill Approved Minutes

Paul Hintz
Redevelopment Manager, Community and Economic Department


Community Plan Advisory Board - City Center

The City Center Community Plan Advisory Board is responsible for helping to ensure the City Center Community Plan is advanced. The plan has three areas of focus:

  1. Transportation
  2. Land use
  3. Community vitality

In order to develop the plan the city held public events providing an opportunity for residents to express concerns, identify issues, and share ideas for making the city center a better place.

The document lays out the goals and objectives as identified by residents, business owners/operators, and other stakeholders for improving the City Center over the next 20 years.

  • City Center Community Plan, Adopted June 2011
  • City Center Community Plan, Amended June 2017

Full list of members and vacancies

Scheduled as needed. 

Meeting Minutes
Community Plan Advisory Board - City Center Approved Minutes

Angie Mathias
Long Term Planner Manager, Community and Economic Department

Equity Commission

The Equity Commission is tasked with reviewing city practices, policies, or procedures and providing recommendations to the requester on whether the practice, policy, or process may create or support inequity, including what community or communities may be impacted and how those impacts may emerge.

Full list of members and vacancies

The second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. See calendar for meeting details.

Meeting Minutes
Equity Commission Approved Minutes


Hannah Miller
Administrative Assistant, Executive Services Department

Firefighters Pension Board

The Firefighters’ Pension Board administers and operates the Firefighters’ Pension Fund for eligible firefighters or their dependents.

Full list of members and vacancies

The third Thursday of the month at 2 p.m. See calendar for meeting details. 

Jason Seth
City Clerk/Public Records Officer, Executive Services Department

Housing Authority

Renton Housing Authority operates Renton’s low and moderate income housing communities with funds allocated by the federal government, along with affordable market rate housing owned and managed by the agency.

Full list of members and vacancies

5 years

A cross section of the community is preferred. Cannot be officers or employees of the City of Renton nor an employee of Renton Housing Authority.

The second Monday of the month at 9 a.m.

Meeting Minutes
Housing Authority Approved Minutes

Renton Housing Authority

Human Services Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Human Services Advisory Committee is to understand the human service needs of city residents, evaluate and recommend to the mayor, city council and city staff the allocation of funds to specific programs and projects that meet those needs; assist in developing policies related to human services affecting Renton residents; and keep current on community-wide actions that may affect the availability and quality of human services provisions in Renton. Additional meetings may be called during the funding recommendation period.

Human Services Advisory Committee members and vacancies

3 years (board member terms expire on staggered years). Applications are received year round and held till a vacancy.

City residents who represent the diverse nature of the city, including geography, gender, age, and ethnicity, one of whom shall be a youth representative.

The third Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m. See calendar for meeting details.

Meeting Minutes
Human Services Advisory Committee Approved Minutes

Human Services Division, Parks and Recreation Department

Independent Salary Commission

The Independent Salary Commission was established in 2015 via Ordinance No. 5773 with the purpose of reviewing the salaries for elected officials, and recommending adjustments, if needed. Members are appointed by the mayor.

Full list of members and vacancies


Scheduled as needed.

Meeting Minutes
Independent Salary Commission Approved Minutes


The LEOFF Board is the decision-making body governing benefits for Law Enforcement Officers’ and Firefighters’ Retirement LEOFF members. They review and decide on medical benefits and payment or non-payment of claims not covered by insurance.

Full list of members and vacancies

The fourth Tuesday of the month at 9 a.m., Renton City Hall, 1st Floor, Human Resources Conference Room. See calendar for meeting details.

Meeting Minutes
LEOFF Board Approved Minutes

Kinal Ha
Senior Benefits Analyst, Human Resources & Risk Management Department


Lodging Tax Advisory Committee

The City of Renton’s Lodging Tax Fund is the primary source of city funding for activities, operations, and expenditures designed to increase tourism. Renton City Council has created a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to conduct an annual process to solicit and recommend Lodging Tax funded services for City Council consideration.

The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee consists of at least five members, appointed by the City Council. At least two members must represent businesses that collect lodging taxes, and at least two members must be involved in activities funded by lodging tax revenue. One member must be an elected official of the City. The City Council reviews and appoints the membership on an annual basis, and vacancies shall be filled by the City Council.

The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee reviews and comments on any proposed imposition or increase of the lodging tax, the repeal or exemption from the tax, the use of the revenue received from the tax, or any change in the use of that revenue.


Full list of members and vacancies

1 year

Scheduled as needed.

Jessie Kotarski
Economic Development Manager, Community & Economic Development Department

Parks Commission

The Parks Commission is an advisory board to the Mayor, Renton City Council, and city staff providing public input and recommending policies to conduct recreation or cultural activities and to control and supervise all parks belonging to the city.

Full list of members and vacancies

4 years (board member terms expire on staggered years) Applications are received year-round and held till a vacancy.

Members shall be city residents. The Renton Municipal Code that governs the board can be found online at the RMC 2-9-2.

The second Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. See calendar for meeting details.

Meeting Minutes
Parks Commission Approved Minutes

Parks and Recreation Department

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission, at the direction or referral by Renton City Council, reviews staff proposals, holds public hearings, and submits recommendations, as necessary, for implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, including:

  • Neighborhood or sub-area plans and studies
  • Shoreline Master Program amendments
  • Land use regulations and processes, development regulations
  • Short-range programs

No meeting on February 19, 2025 (3rd Wednesday)
There are no urgent matters for discussion. Please wait for further announcement. Thank you.

Full list of members and vacancies

3 years

Members must be residents or owners of a small business in the City of Renton. (City of Renton Ordinance 6064, Section II).

The first and third Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. See calendar for meeting details.

All Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Planning Commission Approved Minutes

Planning Division, Community and Economic Development Department

Renton Municipal Arts Commission

Renton Municipal Arts Commission (RMAC) works to raise awareness of arts in the city and acts in an advisory capacity to the mayor and city council in connection with artistic and cultural development. RMAC is responsible for reviewing the design, execution, and acceptance of works of art funded or otherwise acquired by the city.

Full list of members and vacancies

3 years

Whenever possible, members are selected from a variety of art fields and related professions. At least four members shall be city residents and one member shall be between 15 and 21 years of age at the time of appointment (youth position).

The first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. See calendar for meeting details.

Meeting Minutes
Renton Municipal Arts Commission Approved Minutes

Jessie Kotarski
Economic Development Manager, Community & Economic Development Department


Senior Advisory Board

The Senior Advisory Board acts in an advisory capacity to the mayor and city council on matters of particular interest to senior residents of the community.

Renton residents are eligible for appointment and are invited to complete an application and submit it to the mayor's office. Members are elected by persons active at the Don Persson Renton Senior Activity Center.

Applications can be taken at any time, but interviews will only be conducted when there is a vacancy on the commission.

Full list of members and vacancies

3 years (board member terms expire on staggered years) Applications are received year round and held till a vacancy.

10 city residents, 5 non-residents (3 of the 5 must reside within Renton School District boundaries).

The first Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at the Don Persson Renton Senior Activity Center, 211 Burnett Ave. N. See calendar for meeting details.

Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board Approved Minutes

Don Persson Renton Senior Activity Center staff