Human Resources and Risk Management

Photo of the Cedar River

The Human Resources and Risk Management staff work in partnership with administrators and their teams, with individual employees and groups, and with employee representatives and the community to provide programs and services that create a work environment that is positive and productive and allows all employees to serve the needs of Renton residents. In addition, the department works to protect and preserve public assets, and provide a safe workplace that minimizes occupational risk and financial loss.

Employment with the city

Renton is a full service city with a workforce of over 600 regular employees. Departments include City Attorney, Community and Economic Development; Executive Services; Finance; Human Resources & Risk Management; Police; Municipal Court, Parks & Recreation; and Public Works.

Renton maintains a very competitive compensation and benefits program throughout its range of employment positions while providing exciting opportunities in the overall public service to the community. As part of the city's strategic goals, department hiring practices encourage an environment that enhances and supports an inclusive workforce and increases connections with the community.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Tactical Plan

On August 3, 2020, Renton City Council approved Resolution No. 4414, which adopts the 2021-2026 Renton Business Plan “to Stand against Racism in Support of Racial Equity.”

The resolution “declares Renton an anti-racist city that strives to use the Renton Equity Lens to eradicate racial economic inequities and institutional racism to value all residents and be a welcoming place to all people.” This new Renton Business Plan has been enhanced with new progressive objectives guiding the HR Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity Tactical Plan(PDF, 2MB) toward meeting more dynamic objectives.

Core Services

  • Recruitment and selection
  • Classification and compensation
  • Employee benefits
  • Employee relations
  • Labor relations
  • Workplace health and safety
  • Employee training and development
  • Property and liability insurance